Initial Ideas for Student Magazine
House Style: The house style must not be too dull. Lighter more vibrant colours, although not too vibrant. Must look serious, although not too dull, but must also avoid looking too childish with colours too extreme.
Mode Of Address: The most suitable style of text seems to be informal, as it is the easiest to comprehend for the target audience, and it keeps the magazine from being too complicated.
Central Image: The Central Image must be relevant to the overall theme of the magazine. Normally a picture of a celebrity or well known person(s), however this is not compulsory.
Content: A Magazine cover needs to list some of the features further on in the issue. Similarly the contents page could offer a much more detailed look at what is to come in the magazine.
Use of Language: The Language used in the magazine must not be too complicated, should be easy to understand for the reader.
Cover Lines: Cover Lines should be used to highlight some of the other features in the magazine, although it should not highlight the same article as the Central Image.
Masthead: The Masthead must be bold and eye-catching in order to draw peoples attention, it must also be something relevant to the magazine as a whole. Should also be short, normally one or two words.
Puff: A Puff is not too important, although it could help to draw people in to a magazine, with mentions of promotional offers.
Cover Lines: Cover Lines should be used to highlight some of the other features in the magazine, although it should not highlight the same article as the Central Image.
Masthead: The Masthead must be bold and eye-catching in order to draw peoples attention, it must also be something relevant to the magazine as a whole. Should also be short, normally one or two words.
Puff: A Puff is not too important, although it could help to draw people in to a magazine, with mentions of promotional offers.
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